Just The Essentials: A New Free Learning Series for Amigos Member Libraries
Over the next membership year, Amigos will introduce a new series of Essentials online learning sessions available for free to Amigos member libraries.
This Essentials series starts with our upcoming The Essentials: Customer Service on October 2nd. This series is designed to cover a range of perennial topics for library staff at all levels. Future sessions will explore workplace communication, teaching and presenting in the profession, and more.
The Amigos Continuing Education Services team hopes these topics will help address some topics of broad interest and encourage more staff at member libraries to join Amigos for a training opportunity. The Essentials series joins Amigos’ Know & Go and Online Conferences as another member benefit to support staff development and growth.
Questions or suggestions for future Essentials offerings? Contact us at learning@amigos.org.
Fall Training Preview with Naomi Gonzales
Naomi Gonzales is the Library Services Trainer and Missouri Libraries 2 Go (MOLIB2GO) Coordinator at Amigos. We asked Naomi to answer a few questions for us as we look ahead to our Fall schedule.
What course are you most excited to teach this quarter (and why)?
I’m really looking forward to teaching Design Thinking for Libraries in November. User experience and human-centered design are topics that really interest me, and it’s been a while since I’ve immersed myself in them. I’m ready to reacquaint myself with the content and translate it into a way that’s helpful for librarians in different types of libraries.
What course would you most like to take this quarter (and why)?
Creative Survey Design: Crafting Survey Instruments to Meet Your Library’s Research and Evaluation Needs, taught by Dr. Kawanna Bright. Libraries use surveys all the time and I’m really looking forward to learning the essentials of good survey design!
How are you spending your training time? What are you learning about right now?
Right now, I’m enrolled in an instructional design course and it’s really interesting! Like most library skills, instruction is something I’ve just picked up along the way, but learning formal ISD practices is encouraging me to think critically about how I want to teach and shape my upcoming classes.
How did you start out training in libraries - and how are you continuing to grow as a trainer?
I’ve been doing some form of training in libraries since grad school. As a student worker in an engineering library, I would teach short sessions on how to use specific databases for students. This kind of work has continued my whole career. Now that I am learning instructional design best practices, I plan to incorporate more intentional activities in my sessions to help users retain what they learned - I hope Amigos members will notice the difference!